Permalink To Around Of Import Tricky Issues

Some Important Tricky Issues

Well, the full affair is going rattling long, lets exercise it inwards short. Open registry together with navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Policies\explorer". Under this exercise a DWORD-Value together with refer it from the listing below to impose restriction. The value of which volition hold upwards 1 to throttle together with 0 to take away restriction. Lets expect at the next list:
NoDeletePrinter: Disables Deletion of already installed Printers
NoAddPrinter: Disables Addition of novel Printers
NoRun : Disables or hides the Run Command
NoSetFolders: Removes Folders from the Settings pick on Start Menu (Control Panel, Printers, Taskbar)
NoSetTaskbar: Removes Taskbar arrangement folder from the Settings pick on Start Menu
NoFind: Removes the Find Tool (Start >Find)
NoDrives: Hides together with does non display whatsoever Drives inwards My Computer
NoNetHood: Hides or removes the Network Neighborhood epitome from the desktop
NoDesktop: Hides all items including, file, folders together with arrangement folders from the Desktop
NoClose: Disables Shutdown together with prevents the user from usually shutting downward Windows.
NoSaveSettings: Means to say, ‘Don’t salve settings on exit’
DisableRegistryTools: Disable Registry Editing Tools (If you lot disable this option, the Windows Registry Editor(regedit.exe) also volition non work.). So hold upwards rattling careful.
NoRecentDocsHistory: Removes Recent Document arrangement folder from the Start Menu (IE four together with above)
NoFileMenu _ Hides the Files Menu inwards Explorer
NoActiveDesktop – No Active Desktop
NoActiveDesktopChanges- No changes allowed
NoInternetIcon – No Internet Explorer Icon on the Desktop
NoFavoritesMenu – Hides the Favorites menu
NoChangeStartMenu _ Disables changes to the Start Menu
NoFolderOptions _ Hides the Folder Options inwards the Explorer
NoLogoff – Hides the Log Off …. inwards the Start Menu
NoViewOnDrive – Restrict a campaign to open
NoTrayContextMenu – No context bill of fare inwards tray.
ClearRecentDocsOnExit: Clears the Recent Documents arrangement folder on Exit.
RestrictRun – Disables all exe programs except those listed inwards the RestrictRun subkey
Under the same substitution "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Policies" you lot tin exercise novel subkeys other than the already existing Explorer key. Now exercise a novel substitution together with refer it System. Under this novel key, arrangement nosotros tin exercise the next novel DWORD values(1 for enabling the item pick together with 0 for disabling the particular
· NODispCPL: Hides Control Panel
· NoDispBackgroundPage: Hides Background page.
· NoDispScrsavPage: Hides Screen Saver Page
· NoDispAppearancePage: Hides Appearance Page
· NoDispSettingsPage: Hides Settings Page
· NoSecCPL: Disables Password Control Panel
· NoPwdPage: Hides Password Change Page
· NoAdminPaqe: Hides Remote Administration Page
· NoProfilePage: Hides User Profiles Page
· NoDevMgrPage: Hides Device Manager Page
· NoConfigPage: Hides Hardware Profiles Page
· NoFileSysPage: Hides File System Button
· NoVirtMemPage: Hides Virtual Memory Button
Similarly, if nosotros exercise a novel subkey named WinOldApp, nosotros tin add together the following
DWORD values nether it(1 for enabling the item pick together with 0 for disabling the
particular option):
Disabled: Disable MS-DOS Prompt
NoRealMode: Disable Single-Mode MS-DOS.


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